Business Development through Profit and Growth

Identify Opportunities to Profit and Grow

At O’Keefe Accounting Group, we are proud to be ahead of the industry in terms of the comprehensive solutions and services we offer our clients. Beginning with a thorough review of your organization’s culture, operational process and system technology, we can help you identify opportunities for your business to profit and grow.

Business development and financial growth consulting provided by O’Keefe CPA in Cobourg

Business and Baseball

Using a sports analogy there are nine positions on a baseball team, and every position has a clearly defined role to fill if the team is to be successful. It’s also true that not every team possesses the same strengths.

Business is the same, and our firm is comprised of individuals who have gained experience outside the accounting industry. We therefore understand that, while you need to keep score in order to determine whether you are winning, if you continually watch the score rather than the ball, almost invariably you will lose the game.

A business should not be keeping its books to keep the accountant happy. It should be maintaining good information so that it can operate more effectively. We understand that.

We believe that business owners and taxpayers come to us to help them solve problems. We therefore seek to help solve those problems by following a three step process:


Engage in a fact finding discussion to determine what the problem is, and if there is sufficient value in seeing it resolved.

Qualifications and Time

Consider whether we have the qualifications and time to assist.

Our Assessment

Outlining what we believe we can achieve together with our assessment of the costs you’ll need to bear and the potential value of the proposed result.


Book Your Appointment

Contact us to book your appointment:

Phone: (905) 800-0909


O'Keefe Accounting Group
25 King Street East
Cobourg, Ontario
K9A 1K6


Phone: (905) 800-0909